building a consumer app
When I started with MyGreenCar, I began by gathering data from users. Through usability testing, one-on-one interviews, and analyzing use metrics, I defined a roadmap for the product direction and what to improve. First, we tackled basic usability while updating the outdated UI. Next, we progressed to streamlining the onboarding experience to give users results with as little data input as necessary. Finally, we built up the features like the car cost calculator and the electric vehicle trip planner.
The MyGreenCar app's new focus on user input created a better flow and much less confusing user experience. Users gain insight into their driving and its costs and now the ability to compare any car based on that data.
From testing to roadmap
From multiple rounds of testing and interviews, I created several user personas. These were based on customer personas, targeted power users, and real-life testers. These personas became the guide to make decisions: what features do they need to make decisions on choosing a car? What questions do they need answered to choose an electric car? What are their pain-points for buying a car?
In addition to the market research that identified the holes in the product market, we created a product roadmap with an emphasis on electric car selection. This fed directly into our agile process with me guiding our scrum team to fast and flexible development.

As the lead designer of a small start-up, my responsibilities extended far beyond UX/UI development. I created mockups for marketing, video editing and compilations, animations for our app, and I even designed the logo for our parent company Green Light Labs, Inc.