what it's like to drive an electric car
As part of our product roadmap, users needed to know what it would be like for them to drive and electric car. While there are similar apps and feature already on the market, what set apart our feature is the same thing that makes MyGreenCar special: an individualized experience to your driving. We set about creating this new feature, starting with research.
Click to view final mockups

Where to begin
I examined multiple products and features that are already on the market. By identifying useful flows, affordances, and notifications that guide users through trip planner flows, I identified opportunities that our technology could use and individualize for our users.

After creating a prototype based on market research and integrating our own technological capabilities, I went into testing mode. I created a testing script and interviewed testers that fit our participant criteria: they had purchased a car from a dealership within last year OR are considering purchasing a vehicle within the next year; they are interested in owning an electric car.

Into development
After several rounds of testing and iterating, we went into development. Throughout testing, as part of our agile process, I worked with our development team to ensure that we were building within our capabilities. The tech behind the app is complex and this feature integrated several APIs as well as our database and algorithms. We are launching this feature soon and we are proud and confident that we're delivering a product that will help people make smart decisions about their driving, in terms of cost and effect on the environment.
See the interactive prototype below that I created to validate our concept with user testing.
Have fun clicking Testing the prototype!
Best experienced via computer, not mobile :)